Charles Z. Keslar

Your Best Landman and Leasing Agent Contact

Natural Gas Royalty Estimates for One Acre of Oil and Gas Rights in PA, and in general in WV, OH areas.

General Estimates of what you may receive in Natural Gas Royalty monies if you own One (1) Acre of Property with Oil and Natural Gas Rights, which is included in a 600 Acre Marcellus Shale Drilling Unit in Pennsylvania, West Virginia or Ohio, containing Six (6) Producing Marcellus Shale Gas Wells with the Royalty being set at 14% net and with those wells producing for up to 25 years:

Please note the Daily Price of Natural Gas is shown in a Commodities Prices Chart below this blog posting.

If Natural Gas Price is $2.50/MCF, see this chart: Click on Chart to enlarge and Print!

If Natural Gas Price is $4.50/MCF, see this chart: Click on Chart to enlarge and Print!
(These are only estimates and not what you may actually receive. See information below these chart images)

Many Thanks to Penn State University for the above images and estimate information. For more information regarding Royalty Estimates please refer to the Penn State University Web Site and get their APP! Click Here!

One of the highest producing Utica Shale Natural Gas Wells in the USA is located in Northern West Virginia...

Bob Downing | The Akron Beacon Journal (Akron, Ohio) as posted on

A well in northern West Virginia has become the biggest producer of Utica shale gas in the region that includes Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, its Texas-based operator has reported.


Pittsburgh Tribune Review Article with other Gas Lease information with quotes from CZK.

Click here to see a 1920 2-Wheel Drive Dodge Car navigate through mud on its way to an oil well - it is an unbelievable video and a testimony to large diameter wheels with skinny tires driving in foot thick mud!


The so-called Stewart Winland 1300U well, in Tyler County, also is among the biggest-producing shale wells in the United States, according to Magnum Hunter Resources of Houston.

Well production began last week and has reached 46.5 million cubic feet of natural gas per day, the company reported. That’s enough gas to heat nearly 241,000 houses for a day.

The biggest Utica well in Ohio is a Rice Energy well in Belmont County, with daily production of 41.7 million cubic feet of natural gas. Click Here for whole article.


This photo exhibits the

necessity of having

great knowledge

in the fine profession of

Oil and Gas Exploration!

The engineering that is

necessary to complete the

operations of a producing

Natural Gas Well is far more

complex and complicated

than most realize.

Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale Gas Wells showing a

Well Head Tree example with a Highly Skilled Worker!

We offer assistance with Natural Gas Company PA DEP Compliance and Permit Paperwork.

Need Help with Quarterly Mechanical Integrity Assessment (MIA) Reports and Other Department of Environmental Protection Compliance Reports?

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